Friday, July 21, 2006

The essence of success

I started today off a little bit different than usual. I woke up at 7:30, ate breakfast and made it to work by 8:45. When I got to work, I had a cup of coffee which is definitely not my normal routine. These minor changes have made a huge difference in my attitude and in my day. I decided yesterday that I will earn $45,000 within the next 5 months and have been repeating it out loud all day in my car. I think it has caused a complete 180 turn in my attitude. I was a better sales person today and much more efficient than I have been in a long time. I'm starting to feed my mind with positive information and it has started to make a positive difference. I feel like I made the progress I was looking for today and also started to put together a real estate investment plan that will go hand and hand with my mortgage career. Now it is just a matter of action. I will do whatever it takes to make the sale. The $45,000 is already mine, it is just waiting to be collected. Until tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Today was much better than yesterday. I got more work done and I found a new website that I expect to contribute to my success. There is no reason that I shouldn't be making $100k every year. All it will take is a little more focus. I sent out some information to a realtor that I worked with recently that I'm hoping to generate some business from. I am committed to doing that with each new realtor that I work with. I also sealed the deal with Mason Vincent today and possibly one other loan for Leonard Wedge. I will be speaking with Debbie O'meara tomorrow about a refinance, but she is a shopper, so I will not depend too much on that. I'm going to the store today to buy "The Sales Bible" and possibly "Think and Grow Rich" which I should have somewhere anyway. I'll just have to find it. Until tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Another day has ended and I am one step closer to my goals. To be completely honest though, I wasn't very productive today. I took a 4 hour lunch and spent it with Kate which all in all is not a bad thing. On other the hand, I did figure out a little bit more about what I want to do and that I am grateful for what I currently have. There are a couple of new loans that have become a possibility today and that always puts me in a better mood. I also talked to a real estate agent that could end up generating a lot of business for me. Today is the day that I become more consistent in what I do. I'm going to the book store to buy a book that will contribute to my success if I follow what it says. I have become a little more confident today and I will strive to become just a little more confident as each day passes. Until tomorrow!

Monday, July 17, 2006

The beginning

Every person has or I guess I should say "should" start a journey at one time or another. Today is the day that I will begin my journey. This blog will chronicle my rise from mediocre loan officer, to one of the best to ever exist on the face of the earth. Today, I will begin with a blunt assessment of my abilities. How do I rate as a salesperson? On a scale of 1 to 10, today I would say that I rate a 5, but I have the capability to be a 10 on any given day. This journal will serve as a reminder of my commitment and whether I am following through or not. It will also help me to realize my current distractions and what is keeping me from being the producer that I should be. Today is the first of my production cycle and it will conclude on Tues. Aug. 15. My goal is to close 7 loans and do $15,000 in production between today July 17, 2006 and Tuesday August 15, 2006. My goal for this week is to pick up 7 sets of docs and 3 appraisals. Each day at the end of the day, I will record whether I had a productive day or not based on my activities. Today has not been a productive day. I've been too much time pondering what my check is going to look like at the end of the month. On a good note, my loan for Matthew and Kristin Groth did close. I also made a couple of good contacts that could end up being potential prospects. I have decided that I will plan each day out the night before before I leave the office. Another thing that I will do starting today is to go to the gym whether I have the time to do it or not. If need be, I will go to the gym after I leave work. The only way for me to reach my goals is to face what I am afraid to face and to be consistent about what I say that I'm going to do. I don't have anything to be afraid. The worst thing people can do is to be upset and that doesn't have anything to do with me as I can't make their decisions for them. So, my journey to success begins today with my commitment to success and my commitment to be consistent even when I feel like I have been satisfied.